Rocketmiles for iOS

Book hotels and earn thousands of frequent flier miles

Rocketmiles for iOS

Psychomomo was tasked with taking over the Rocketmiles project two weeks before the scheduled 1.0 app launch. I brought in my friends at Fish Hook, led by the talented Evan DeLaney, to help with the workload.

The existing codebase came sans storyboards or xibs. Adding storyboards was the first thing on the list to add (keeping a mental note of an app structure is tedious – especially for an app I did not initially write). While lately a heated debate, I find storyboards make developing and manitaining an app easier. We were unable to update the whole app at once for launch, so we picked a few key views to convert with the intent to do the rest in future updates.

We tackled conversion and completed the views that were in-progress and finished integrating APIs that not yet been implemented and hit the deadline we set for ourselves to deliver on time!

Shortly after delivery of the 1.0, in February of 2015, Rocketmiles was acquired by Priceline.


  • AFNetworking with RESTful APIs
  • HockeyApp distribution integration
  • Facebook login integration
  • Auto Layout
  • git & GitHub with feature-based pull requests
  • Team Size: 3 developers

