KiddieNotes for iPad

A daycare app for child monitoring - only on iPad

KiddieNotes for iPad

KiddieNotes is an iPad software platform that allows care givers in a daycare to keep track of the children. Not only which classroom, but what they are doing, what they eat, allergies, and more.

Psychomomo was approached by KiddieNotes and needed some assistance with creating new features for their app.


The biggest struggle with the daycare was remembering when children needed to be fed and changed. I worked on designing and developing a reminder system.

The app’s reminder engine would start when the child was checked in for the day and would then receive a local notification when a child needed to be fed, changed, or even a custom event. These would then repeat at specified intervals until the child was picked up for the day.


I was happy to implement some user experience changes to the app from a split pane view with many individual links, to a tab bar which helps in easing the single home screen mentality that existed previously.

Allowing each main section to have a tab for a split view gave the app room to breathe. It gave easy access parts that matter the most, quick data entry for children in a busy classroom environment.


  • CouchBase database synchronization
  • PaintCode icon and view drawing
  • Local Notifications with scheduling and removal
  • git & GitHub
  • Team Size: Only me augmenting team
